SWIFT® Wireless System can be applied in many situations that are problematic for traditional wired devices. In cases where areas of a building are difficult or impossible to wire, visually sensitive, or have restricted access, SWIFT wireless sensors provide an efficient, reliable solution. SWIFT wireless devices communicate via a proprietary wireless mesh protocol to communicate with a Honeywell Farenhyt Series fire alarm system by means of a SWIFT Wireless Gateway (WIDP-WGI). The SWIFT Gateway connects to the SLC loop of the IFP-75, IFP-300, IFP- 300ECS, IFP-2100 or IFP-2100ECS panels using IDP protocol.
Wireless devices in a SWIFT network develop “parent-child” communication links with other devices in the mesh, so that a message originating from a remote device “hops” to the closest parent device, and then to successive parent devices until the message reaches gateway. Alternate paths are also identified and supervised by the SWIFT protocol providing approved Class A wireless communication. If a device does not have an established communication path with adequate signal strength, an additional device such as a wireless module may be installed in between so that it will act as a repeater. The WIDP-WGI supports up to 50 devices: 1 SWIFT Gateway and up to 49 wireless detectors and monitor modules.
View or download the WIPD-WGI spec sheet.